Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mike Gets a Haircut

Mike finally felt confident enough in my Spanish to get his hair cut. Before we left on the adventure, he made me tell him (in Spanish) how I was going to request a haircut that is “…short all over, but a little bit longer on the top.”  The Pleuqueria (hairdresser) is a 3-minute walk from our apartment.
In addition to describing Mike’s desired haircut, I was able to ask if we needed an appointment and how much the services would cost. Mike was a little worried when the hairstylist began by parting his hair, but it turned out that she was just sectioning off the long and short parts. For $10, Mike received a haircut plus a pre- and post-cut shampoo and rinse. While I was waiting, I had my eyebrows waxed for $4. Mike’s hairstylist scowled at him when he gave her a $3 tip. I'm not sure she understood that it was a tip. People do not tip well in Ecuador. For a haircut, if people tip at all it’s probably less than 50¢.

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