Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Earthquake Evacuation Drill

Colegio Americano Primary students are practicing earthquake evacuation procedures this week. During an earthquake, a designated teacheer will blow a whistle, and students walk calmly to the nearest Zona de Seguridad (Safety Zone) with their hands over their heads. The Safety Zones are located in areas where there are no trees, building, poles, etc. overhead. Some of the first graders had a problem staying on their feet during this drill.

Recent Earthquakes in Ecuador...
  • A 6.9 magnitude earthquake 105 miles southeast of Quito, the capital of Ecuador on August 12, 2010. There were no reports of damage or injury, but this earthquake was felt across most of the country.
  • A magnitude 4.8 earthquake in Quito, the capital of Ecuador on February 16, 2011.
  • A magnitude 4.7 earthquake near the coast in northern Ecuador on April 20, 2011.
  • A magnitude 4.8 earthquake off the cost of Guayaquil (where we are living) on May 12, 2011.

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