Saturday, September 24, 2011

Computer Troubles

I've had computer troubles! First, my laptop screen started to malfunction. It was just a few extra vertical lines at first, but it quickly turned into a flashing mess. We tried to get a replacement screen, but nobody in Ecuador had a compatible screen. I had to buy a new computer. I didn't think that would be too much of a problem, and it wouldn't have been if I was o.k. with a Spanish  language operating system. I can get around pretty well with the Spanish menus, but the Spanish keyboard and Spanish only spell check would have been a problem. After some searching, we were able to locate an English operating system.

Being without a computer set me back a little, both in my work and my blog. I'm starting to get caught back up, and I have a lot to post! We've seen whales, blue footed boobies, and the Galapagos.

Whale pictures are coming soon.

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